Friday, April 21, 2017

GLUTAMIX: Skin Whitener and Detoxifier


GLUTAMIX: Skin Whitener and Detoxifier 
GLUTHATIONE acts as a powerful anti-oxidant and detoxifier that naturally occurring protein that every cell, tissue, and organ from toxic free radicals and diseases.

It has the ability to boost the immune system. It can help repair damage cell caused by stress, radiation, pollution, infection and host of other ailments.

Vitamin C as also an anti-oxidant that helps the skin to fairer and whiter. Also aids the circulation of the glutathione inside the body.

Alpha lipoid acid increases the formation of glutathione. It also contain Silymarine has been used medicinally for thousands of years to treat many liver and gall bladder disorders. It works to detoxify and is a strong liver tonic.

Sanare Oil: Beauty & Wellness Oil

The First Organic Fermented Oil 

Sanare Oil: Specially formulated to give relaxation to the body

It is a multi-use/purpose oil.
The first functional oil that passes thru organic herbal fermentation. This method allows the nutrients and medicinal ingredients of the herbs to bind with the oil without losing its potency and absorbency.
It calms the muscle and joints. It is also rich in nutritional and herbal combination that is essentials to our skin and penetrates through our muscles and tissues. It contains fermented herbs like Moringa Olifera, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Ginger, and Cayenne. It also contains based oil like pure Coconut oil, Virgin Coconut that is rich in Lauric acid & Oleic acid. They also add extra Virgin Olive Oil that is rich in Omega 3, Omega 5 & Omega -9 and essential oil like Mango-Mandarin Oil, Lavender oil and Eucalyptus Oil.
Essential Herbs and Oils:
  • Moringa Oliefera
  • Lemongrass
  • Rosemary
  • Ginger
  • Cayenne (Capsaicin)
  • Pure Coconut Oil- rich in lauric acid
  • Virgin Coconut Oil- rich in lauric acid & oleic acid
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil– rich in omega-3, omega-5, & omega-9
  • Mango-Mandarin oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Eucalyptus Oil

Beauty Slim Natural Health Drink (Sugar Free)

Beauty Slim Natural Health Drink (Sugar Free)

Beauty slim health drink: Innovative formulation of a powerful health drink is born.
Through our innovative formulation a powerful health drink is born. From the success of a proven combination of L-carnitine and green tea extract as fat burner, we added complex Banaba extract to detoxify the liver from harmful elements in order for the glutathione to work very well in the body.

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that fights the effect of free radicals. Glutathione is known to increase the potency of vitamin C and vitamin E. we also added marine collagen for healthier skin, hair bones and joints.

Beauty slim health drink restores youthfulness in the skin. It delays aging and has skin whitening effect while indulging in a refreshingly natural lemon flavor.
Main Ingredients:
  • L-Carnitine
  • Green Tea Extract
  • Glutathione
  • Complex Banaba Extract
  • Marine Collagen
  • Natural Lemon Flavor
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